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Why Is 'Fair Trade' So Important?

You’ve likely come across the term “fair trade.” You will usually see it connected to chocolate and coffee, but you can also find it with fresh fruit, seafood, sugar, and many other ingredients and products. While there may be extra cost involved (but fair trade products are often priced competitively), that extra cost is so worth the investment. Here’s a look at why you need to opt for fair trade more often.

What Exactly Is Fair Trade?

Fair trade is just as it sounds. Producers of ingredients get a fair price for trading. Rather than receiving pennies to the dollar (if they’re lucky), they will get a fair and more liveable amount. Farmers and workers around the world get a better deal, can live happier lives, and enjoy necessary protections.

In addition to fair payment, fair trade certification certifies fair labor that includes good working conditions, no discrimination, no child labor, and no forced labor. Transparency and accountability are paramount. Opportunities are provided for disadvantaged producers, and respect for the environment is also of great importance.

The idea of fair trade stretches globally. There are companies in all societies making sure that farmers and workers are treated honestly and fairly while promoting sustainable environmental practices.

Why Should You Buy Fair Trade?

But fair trade is more expensive, right? Perhaps, but not necessarily. Any additional cost however is more than worth the investment. When you buy fair trade, you know that relatively more of your money goes towards the farmers, it's not just the manufacturing company and its stakeholders who will benefit from your purchase. You also contribute to a more equal and just society. You show that life is more than just saving a few cents in your culture, but about creating a fair and happier life for people around the world.

Buying fair trade means you’re setting up a sustainable future. You're empowering a future generation to continue to produce food and other products like cotton, while protecting and nurturing the environment to meet ever growing demands.

How Do You Know You’re Getting Fair Trade?

Look out for the Fair Trade Certified label. It’s one of the most recognizable labels in the world, and is one of the most reputable ethical certifications. Whether you’re in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, or elsewhere, you'll find varying fair trade labels. To understand the differences, click here.

So next time you are out shopping or traveling, you can feel better when purchasing fair trade products. You'll know you are contributing to a fairer, more just and more sustainable world.

For more detailed information visit Fairtrade International or the World Fair Trade Organization.

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